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BLM: Requiem of a Dream Deferred 

It’s Time to grow up 


If you still believe in a Santy-Clause, a color-less Rabbit can lay spectrum of pastel eggs, or that there’s no more racism in America, I’ve been looking for you! Great news! I’ve got a bridge in Brooklyn , literally worth billions, but I’m gonna let you have it for no money down and $500 per month, visa vie my Cash App. But you have to act fast. You know good and well that there’s plenty others who meet these requirements of delusion. Don’t miss out! 


In the Antebellum Amusement Park of America, we’ve been riding the same Ferris wheel of disappointment for over 150 years. Get off that ride.You already know the whole plot; beginning, middle and end. It goes something like this: 


Go to school - be criminalized, marginalized and miseducated.

Go to your job - be overworked, under-compensated under-recognized and passed over.


And regardless of whether you’re on foot, skateboard, bike or Bimmer - get harassed, detained or otherwise molested by Agent Smith. That guy really gets around.


And after you have endured this duplicitous disconnect of reality for about 7 to ten years, you do what any child does when they get frustrated: they explode and throw a protest temper-tantrum. We march down the streets. Set a few buildings on fire. Make a few Tic Tocs and the revolution is over. 


All you did is go to recess. 


Bossamassa says “Alright, now. Did you get that out of your system? Feel better? Great. Now come on back to work and make zaddy some money like you always have. “Alright, zaddy! You know I be trippin’. You promise you gonna be nice to me this time?”


Zaddy: “I promise! But of course you know I had my fingers crossed.”


It’s gotten so predictable that we now have billionaires developing software investment algorithms based upon our emotional pendulum swings. It’s become part of the economy. 


It goes like this: Agent Smith decides it’s time to increase the pressure placed upon the necks of melanated people in America. Then George Sorros, a foreign-born billionaire rushes to incorporate the latest protest slogan, “Black Lives Matter.” All he has to do now is find some patsies to front his “non-profit”organization. Easy enough. Then, seed the company with $90 million. And just as his algorithm predicted, that merry-go came right back around. All he had to do now is throw up a website to collect “donations” to the tune of hundreds of millions. 


Meanwhile, those he set up to front is charity-for-billionaires, were the ones left holding the bag. Only it’s not the bag they thought they were gonna get. They got the Federal-Investigation-into-money-laundering, bag.


Hundreds of millions of dollars flew in from around the world, including cash from well-intentioned Caucasians, to what appeared to be a “Black” organization. Nope. Psyche your mind! Lucy pulled the football back from you, again, Charlie Brown! When the DOJ showed up asking, “Where da money at?”, Sorros had it with him, on his super yacht, comfortably out of jurisdiction, in the Mediterranean. A nice quick flip. 


Meanwhile, back on land, the BLM leaders said, “I can make a quick flip, just like zaddy! All I gotta do is flip these cribs in rich white folks’ neighborhoods! No one’s gonna notice that! That’s when Agent Smith materialized and said, “Gotcha!!!”


All jokes aside and emotion out of the equation, you gotta respect the hustle. Not only did they squash the movement, they made a mockery of it. 


They locked more people up. 

They In-creased funding for police. 


And  they successfully discredited BLM, by exposing misappropriation of funds by the “leadership.” Now, that’s gangster.  


Didn’t momma teach y’all not to take candy from strange men? So why in the world would you think your opp is going to give you money to finance your liberation?


Note to BLM: don’t eat that porridge! Grandma didn’t make it. In fact, that ain’t even grandma under that bonnet. It’s the big, bad wolf, fattening you up!


Brothers and sisters dying in the streets. And instead of investing in criminal justice reform, small businesses cultivation or scholarship programs; they got us embezzling paper, flipping cribs and throwing House Party Jammie-Jams?!


By the way, Kid 'n Play just called. They said, “Cut the check.”


However, what’s most disappointing of all is you’ve destroyed hopes. You’ve broken the heart of the masses, globally. Fait accompli. You played with Big Worm’s emotions, yet again, Smokey.



Brother Langston told us 75 years ago, in beautiful poetic prose, what happens to a dream deferred. Perhaps it was so beautiful we lost the moral to the story. If you haven’t read in awhile, you should check it out. It’s great, classic American literature. However, if you haven’t read it, or just forgot it, I’m going to Cliff note it for you, with my own interpolation.




                 A BLM Dream Deferred 


                  Someone Who Cares


What happens to a BLM dream deferred, financed by George Sorros? 

Answer: You ain’t never gone get it. Shout out to EnVogue.


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.


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